Lendout is a features that would be located in the main menu. Once users click on the lendout icon they can switch between Marketplace and My Lendouts.
This feature would allow users to post unused inventory for the season that they would be willing to rent out to other local school within a 80 mile radius. A organization can then request that item from the marketplace page and setup a local pickup or pay for shipping cost. Before item would be sent organization would have to agree to terms and conditions of the lendout and make payment. (Each organization will have to link their bank account to ensure that we can collect and send funds.) the terms and conditions would cover that if a organization uses the item and damages it they could be subject to fees. There is a lot more details that goes into this features and we plan to share more information once we get closer to the development stage. Right now this is just an idea that Guardy team has been latched to for some time.